What is Kotlin ?

What is Kotlin ?

Kotlin is a general purpose, free, statically typed, open source programming language developed by JetBrains. Kotlin was developed in 2011. It is a programming language for Java virtual machine and is fully interoperable with Java.

Kotlin Language is widely used by Android Developers around the world for Android App development. It reduces the app development time and reduces errors due to its excellent features like null safety,  type inference etc.

Google declared Kotlin as the official language for Android App Development in 2019.

Uses of Kotlin

Kotlin in used for variety of development areas like

  • Android Application Development
  • Server Side Programming
  • Client Side UI development
  • Embedded Systems, iOS, macOS (using Kotlin Native)

Is Kotlin a Java replacement ?

The answer is simple. "NO", Kotlin is not a Java replacement. Even though it run on JVM, Kotlin is still a new and is evolving while Java is a highly stable language which is used by enterprises for large projects as it is secure and stable.

Kotlin Hello World program

fun main(args : Array<String>) {

     println("Hello Word")



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