Lambda Expressions and Anonymous functions


1. Lambda Expressions : Lambda Expressions are short block of code that takes in some parameters and returns a value. Lambda expressions do not have a name and can be passed as functions parameters.

                   var expression = { a : Int, b : Int ->
                            a + b
return type will be inferred automatically from the return statement. Below is the example of passing lambda function as function parameter

           fun main(args : Array<String>) {
                processData(1, 1, { a: Int, b : Int -> a + b})

         fun processData(a : Int, b : Int, c : (Int, Int) ->  Int) {
                println(c(a, b))

2. Anonymous functions : Anonymous functions are functions without name.
It is same as a regular function but it is without name.

                    var res = fun(num1 : Int, num2 : Int) -> Int {
                            return num1 + num2

                     var res = fun(num1 : Int, num2 : Int) -> Int = num1 + num2
